The submission process has now closed.
Please contact Brooke Miller should you have any questions.
*This new award is for research in emerging fields of interest to the Gastroenterology community including neurogastroenterology, equity and sustainability. Submissions can also be made for new devices i.e., endoscope or new diagnostic testing.
Gastroenterologists, Surgeons, Scientists, Gastroenterological medical or surgical Registrars and Medical Students who are financial members of the NZ Society of Gastroenterology (please refer to the NZSG Website for membership criteria) may submit their abstract for the Young Investigator Awards. Preference will be given to younger investigators, particularly trainees and research fellows, to foster an active interest in research.
1 x Luminal, 1 x Hepatology, 1 x Endoscopy, 1 x Nutrition and 1 x Innovation in Gastroenterology
Please do not hesitate to contact:
Brooke Miller | Digital & Event Coordinator
Conference Innovators
T: +64 9 281 5587